Real Estate

Piggyback Loans: A Clever Way to Make Two Mortgages Cost Less Than One

When it comes to financing a home, the options can be overwhelming. One creative solution that homebuyers often explore is the piggyback loan. This financial strategy involves taking out two mortgages simultaneously, and surprisingly, it can sometimes cost less than opting for a single, traditional mortgage. In this blog post, we'll delve into the concept of piggyback loans, exploring how they work, their...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mortgage Escrows

A mortgage escrow account is a type of trust account that your lender uses to collect and pay your property taxes and homeowners insurance premiums on your behalf. Each month, you make a payment to your lender that includes your principal and interest payment, as well as an amount to cover your escrow expenses. Your lender then uses the money in your escrow account to pay your property taxes and...

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